"Not all who wander are lost"

"Not all who wander are lost"

Monday, October 18, 2010

What they don't tell you. Blog 4

When people talk about what an amazing experience studying abroad is, they never seem to feel the need to warn you about how hard it is going to be.  Today was orientation, and pretty much was like starting college all over again.  Being best friends with everybody just so you can all be lonely together, feeling awkward in the cafeteria, getting lost in the building, getting lost on campus, getting lost trying to get back to the house, its more disorienting despite it being called orientation.  But that is something I've done before, so I know the feeling will pass.  

But there are still other aspects of study abroad that moving away to college could never prepare you for.  Like how to use a key that looks like it came out of an old movie.  And learning to shower in a bath tub with a sprayer not mounted on the wall and not soaking the whole bathroom in the process, more than once.  Getting used to the food, although that hasn't been too hard, the most difficult part is trying to fit way more of the good food in my stomach than usual.  And then there are the living arrangements.   My family is great, but there is just something about not being able to communicate that makes you a little lonely.  Trying to keep up with the conversation is hard enough, and there is nothing more embarrassing than realizing someone asked you a question, because everyone is staring blankly at you waiting for an answer, but you don't have a clue what the question is.  Talk about a humbling experience.  Ha, I don't even know the word for humble in French.  Its just little things like having to carry everything you bought from the grocery store home because you forgot they don't give you bags, or not knowing the proper etiquette for anything and making dumb mistakes that are the toughest part.  

Of course, I can say all of this now that I've been officially studying abroad for a day.  I don't think I've even hit culture shock yet but I felt inclined to tell you what no one else seems to want to share about their experience.  Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to be here.  I know that so many people wouldn't recommend this program unless it was really worth it.  The things you work the hardest for are the things that become most valuable.  So here I am.  Ready to work hard, and expect a great outcome.  I'll let you know how it turns out.

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